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  • 香港留学(会计专业概览)(2021-07-09 18:29)

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    港理工的会计历史最为悠久,像理工大学的要求会计本科背景(如果本科非会计专业就不要考虑了),比较而言理工的MAcc和北美的PHD很像,会看很多paper,做很多Research和Analysiy,城大的则主要会在财务会计 审计 税务 财务管理等方面涉及较多,如果以后想在Industry行业有所深入,这个也会是不错的选择。城大的MSPACG针对非会计背景的说法(主要针对HK本地学生而言多些),像内地的会计专业因为会计准则与香港的不一样一般也会被认定为非会计专业背景。


     实习方面 1、会计师事务所,知名的四大普华永道、安永、毕马威和德勤比较理想,2、大型企业如世界500强企业的会计部门因为规模大,会计制度等等都比较完善,在里面实习能够接触到的东西也会比较多。 竞赛方面 直观体现学生能力:会计专业会比较看重学生的数学能力,那么一些数学 会计知识相关竞赛都是比较合适的,国际性的也要比较国内的更为理想。 科研项目体现学生在学术方面的研究成果。如果能在国内外的学刊上发表文章,那无疑会给留学申请加分。,如果学校老师手头上有项目,也可以主动参与。当然学生自身要做好知识的储备,多看一些专业相关的文献。除此之外,长期的志愿者活动,社团活动等都是学生可以多参加的活动。在参加活动的时候最好是能够在活动组织上担任一定的组织角色,这样对于学生的综合能力都会有所提高。在参加完活动之后,也一定要做好总结。

    香港大学HKUThe HKU Master of Accounting programme will develop your core competencies in accounting, finance, management and business analytics that are vital for you to succeed as a professional accountant, financial expert and business leader. 港大会计学硕士课程将提升你在会计、财务、管理和商务分析方面的核心竞争力,这些对你成为专业会计师、财务专家和商务领导者至关重要。

    Our programme delivers a rigorous learning experience across a wide spectrum of fields, including financial and managerial accounting, taxation, auditing, law, financial management, corporate governance, accounting analytics, strategic management, and business leadership. 我们的课程在多个范畴提供严谨的学习经验,包括财务及管理会计、税务、审计、法律、财务管理、公司治理、会计分析、策略管理及商务领导。The curriculum has the following distinctive features: 课程有以下突出特点

    A comprehensive postgraduate curriculum encompassing accounting, finance, management, and business analytics 综合性研究生课程包含会计、财务、管理和业务分析

    Theories that explicate the important roles of accounting in economic decisions解释会计在经济决策中的重要作用的理论

    Professional training in business leadership, strategic management reporting, and advanced financial and performance management benefited from the partnership with ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)

    Accounting data analytics that convert information into executable actions

    A capstone course to tie the various elements of the study together through real world business projects

    6学分/课程 To graduate from our programme, you need to complete a total of twelve 6-credit courses (72 credits), including eight core courses (48 credits) and four elective courses (24 credits). All courses are taught in English.

    12门课程(8门必修+4门选修)To graduate from the programme, you need to complete a total of 12 courses, including 8 core courses and 4 elective courses. As our student, you can also take up to two electives from the HKU MBA, Master of Business Analytics, Master of Finance and Master of Economics programmes, subject to availability and approval of the Programme Director(s) concerned based on your capabilities, profile and performance in our programme.课程学习时间安排 Classes are conducted on weekdays (morning/afternoon/evening) and Saturdays (morning/afternoon) at theHKU Cyberport Campus. Certain courses may be held at our Admiralty Town Centre or other venues.

    在线阅读建议 Online coursework and a list of suggested readings will be provided to help students to grasp the fundamental concepts of financial accounting.

    香港科技大学HKUSTThe program is both practical and academically rigorous. 这个课程既实用又严谨。

    It is based on a foundation of carefully designed courses and components, and intends to cultivate “thinking” professional accountants, nurturing them to become successful business professionals across different business functions within diverse organizations. 基于精心设计的课程及组成内容,倾向培养"思考型"的专业会计师,培养他们成为跨不同组织内不同业务职能的成功商务专业人才。

    The program caters for accounting and non-accounting majors from business disciplines who are thinking of developing, or further enhancing, their careers in accounting and other related fields. 该项目适用于会计专业和非会计商科专业的学生,正在考虑发展或进一步发展其在会计和其他相关领域的职业。9门核心课程(2学分/课程)+选修6门课程All faculty are PhDs from the world's foremost universities - such as, Chicago, Illinois, London Business School, Oregon, Oxford, Purdue, Rochester, Texas, UBC and UCLA, - who offer cutting-edge insights and international perspective vital for career success in the 21st Century.所有的教员都是来自世界一流大学的博士,比如芝加哥,伊利诺伊,伦敦商学院,俄勒冈,牛津,普渡,罗切斯特,德克萨斯州,ubc和加州大学洛杉矶分校,他们提供了对21世纪职业成功至关重要的尖端见解和国际视角。

    HKUST's curriculum develops all-round knowledge, communications, professional and leadership skills that employers want. 港科技的课程提升全面的知识、沟通、专业和领导技能,是雇主所希望的。

    Students will be provided with specialized knowledge in accounting which will enable them to enter the HKICPA QP, as well as related fields of finance, information systems, international business and investment so that they can make a significant contribution to the functioning and development of their employing organizations.


    香港城市大学CityUThe MSPACG programme aims to provide an active learning environment to develop students for leadership positions in the professional accounting and corporate governance area in Hong Kong and the Greater China region.该课程旨在提供一个积极的学习环境,培养学生在香港及大中华地区的专业会计及公司治理范畴担任领导职位。Upon successful completion of this Programme, students should be able to:完成课程需要在以下方面获得提升

    Apply creative and critical thinking, analytical, qualitative and quantitative skills to business problem solving with special reference to accounting and governance functions.运用创造性和批判性思维、分析、定性和定量技能解决商务问题,并特别注意会计和治理职能。

    Explain, analyze and apply relevant rules and regulations related to accounting and corporate governance issues. 解释、分析和适用与会计和公司治理问题有关的规则和条例。

    Recognize ethical dilemmas and legal issues and respond appropriately by applying relevant ethical and legal concepts and codes of ethics issued by relevant authorities.*承认道德困境和法律问题,并通过运用相关权威机构发布的涉及道德和法律概念及道德守则作出适当反应。

    Apply creative and critical thinking in solving accounting, corporate governance and related business problems using a multi-disciplinary approach.运用创新和批判性思维,运用多学科方法解决会计、公司治理和相关商务问题。

    Communicate, work and manage themselves effectively both independently and within a team environment. 独立并且能在团队环境中进行有效的沟通、工作和管理。

    Master's Degree: 要求36学分 (5门+7门)

    Normal Period of Study

    PA Stream: 1 year (full-time)

    PA Stream & CG Stream: 2 years (part-time/combined mode)

    Professional Accounting Stream (PA Stream†): Weekday daytime and evenings and/or Saturday afternoons; 上课时间:平日白天+晚上,周六下午

    This programme aims to provide accounting or finance major graduates an opportunity to enhance their skills by developing an expertise in international accounting as well as further understanding in Hong Kong accounting and related arena of knowledge. 本课程旨在透过发展国际会计的专业知识,以及加深对香港会计及相关知识范畴的了解,为会计专业毕业生提供提升技能的机会。 Students will be provided with specialised knowledge in international and Hong Kong accounting as well as related fields of information management, international business and investment so that graduates can make a significant contribution to the functioning and development of their employing organizations – particularly organizations such as multinational enterprises, joint ventures, Hong Kong companies and government agencies engaged in foreign trade and investment, and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or consulting firms with multinational corporate clients and networks.为学生提供国际及香港会计专业知识,以及相关领域的资讯管理 、国际商业和投资,使毕业生能够对其受雇组织的运作和发展作出重大贡献,特别是跨国公司、合资企业、香港公司和从事对外贸易和投资的政府机构等组织;以及注册会计师(cpa)或具有跨国企业客户及网络的咨询公司。1年时间需要完成30学分

    Upon successful completion of this Programme, students should be able to:Apply creative and critical thinking to business problem-solving and the conceptual and practical aspects of mainstream accounting disciplines from an international perspective.从国际角度将创造性和批判性思维应用于企业问题的解决以及主流会计学科的概念和实践方面。Analyse and apply the accounting issues raised by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and professional bodies of selected countries to the interpretation of financial reports from an international perspective.分析及应用国际会计准则委员会、香港会计师公会及部分国家专业团体提出的会计问题,从国际角度解释财务报告。Identify and demonstrate legal and ethical concepts and the code of ethics issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and HKICPA, and their application in accounting practices. 识别和描述国际会计师联合会(会计师联会)和香港会计师公会所发布的法律及道德概念及道德守则,及其在会计实务中的应用。Communicate, work, and manage themselves effectively both independently and within a team environment.独立及在团队环境中进行有效的沟通、工作和管理。相关认证香港大学会计专业是新开的,它受国内的认证吗 ? 港大会计和经济专业在国际对比度上怎么样?

    港大会计也是和acca合作的,应该认可度问题不大。国际范畴一般英美加拿大的院校专业知名度大些,香港主要因为申请北美的同学比较愿意同时申请,主要也是比较认可香港地区的教育质量,像会计经济这块以后欧美香港的知名大学都还是不错的。西方经济学起源于英国亚当斯密的国富论是当时最为出名的 ,会计则是因为资本主要商业的发展,重商主义以及日不落帝国的东印度公司在全球扩展,也带动了会计专业这个商业领域的核心,后来WALL STREET又带动了北美的金融经济,这样凸显了北美和英国在商业领域的强势地位,教育也同样如此。香港曾经深受英国各方面影响,加之亚洲金融中心的地位,因此在经济会计专业方面也有自己的一席之地。

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    2012-10-14 09:35:27 景枫
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    2012-10-14 09:35:27 景枫
    很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福?